The “CREATING LIFE CHAMPIONS 23” project is a European Project of the Erasmus+ Programme. This project has a consortium of 13 organisations from 7 different countries (Serbia, Turkey, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece and Portugal), aiming to transfer social values and principles, using Football as a tool for this promotion. The target group identified are football coaches, and the specific methods involved are non-formal education. Therefore, the aim is to develop and test an educational module that would contribute to the training of 40 coaches involved, using a holistic approach to the coaching process by using it for educational purposes.
The trainers will test the module among 1200 participants during their usual training activities in conjunction with an international internship for more children/youth. After collecting new evidence, a set of findings and recommendations for the final adjustment of the module will follow. All will be presented at the Final Conference to 50 stakeholders, resulting in a joint research plan. The consortium is committed to develop a new educational concept that would be applicable to coaches of all disciplines.
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